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George W. Bush On The Issues 2000

George W. Bush 2000 On The Issues

Government Modernization

Governor Bush has offered a comprehensive reform agenda that will ensure that every child is educated; lift the income tax burden on Americans; save and strengthen social security; and revitalize our military.  To make this vision a reality will require a departure from the old ways of government.  The success of each initiative will depend on reforms within government itself. Governor Bush will put citizens back in charge of government by making government more citizen-centered and accountable.

Governor Bush’s Principles

A new government for a new century.  Governor Bush believes that the federal government has failed to learn the lessons of the New Economy.  Unlike American businesses and state and local governments which have embraced new business and governance models, the federal government is based on an out-dated, hierarchical system developed over 50 years ago.

A “limited, but active” government.  True government reform must be based on a reexamination of the role of the federal government itself, rather than simply oiling old machinery.  Governor Bush has called for “limited, but active” government that empowers states, cities and citizens to make decisions, ensures results through accountability, and promotes innovation through competition.

A government that is citizen-centered, results-oriented, and market-based.  To help the federal government adapt to a rapidly changing world, Governor Bush will reform and modernize government on the basis of the following three key principles.  Government must be  
  • “Citizen-Centered,” not bureaucracy oriented;
  • “Results-oriented,” not process oriented; and
  • “Market-based,” – actively promoting, not stifling, innovation and competition.

    Bush Government Plan

    Citizen-Centered.  Governor Bush will put citizens back in charge of government by flattening the federal hierarchy and investing in technology so that customers can get information and transact business with government online.

  • Flatten the Federal Hierarchy. Governor Bush will flatten the federal hierarchy, bringing government closer to citizens by not replacing 40,000 senior and middle managers who will retire over the next eight years, and eliminating the new layers of management created by the current Administration.

  • Accelerate the implementation of a “citizen-centered” e-government Governor will appoint a government-wide Chief Information Officer, and creating a $100 million fund to support interagency e-government initiatives, especially ones enabling individuals to drill directly into the bureaucracy.

    Results Oriented.  Governor Bush will make government more “results-oriented” by establishing accountability systems that allow citizens to judge whether performance is taking place.  Specifically, he will:

  • Ensure financial accountability by requiring agencies to pass their annual audit.

  • Enforce the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) so that funds flow to programs that work.  Agency Inspectors General will certify the accuracy of GPRA reports, and OMB will factor the results into its budget recommendations.

  • Support legislation establishing a bipartisan “Sunset Review Board” to recommend elimination of duplicative and ineffective programs.

  • Convert federal service contracts to performance-based contracts wherever possible.

  • Reform the civil service by establishing performance-based incentives to reward achievement and recruit skilled private sector talent.

    Market-Based.  Governor Bush believes that government should be market-based – encouraging competition, innovation, and choice.  When Government attempts to dominate any field, there is little reward for innovation and little regard for customers.

  • Establish the goal of moving all significant government procurement to the Internet.

  • Open federal positions involving commercial activities to competition from the private sector wherever possible.

    Texas Record

    Under Governor Bush's leadership, Texas enacted reforms to make government more citizen-centered, results-oriented, and market-based.  Specifically, Governor Bush:

    Held agencies accountable for results.
     Texas was one of the first state governments to hold agencies accountable to performance-based standards. Governor Bush has worked closely with the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission in its efforts to streamline state government.  The commission periodically reviews the efficiency and effectiveness of state agency operations and policies and has saved the state $630 million since 1982.

    Reformed Texas’ welfare and workforce development system.  In 1995, Governor Bush reformed the Texas Workforce Commission to bring workforce development closer to the people who need it most.  Texas consolidated 28 programs from 10 different state agencies into one agency –the Texas Workforce Commission – cutting overhead and red tape.  Decision making was devolved to 28 newly-created local workforce development boards to develop and operate workforce training programs.

    Promoted Texas e-Government to bring Government closer to Texans. On July 3, Texas launched its e-Government Portal, which will enable individuals and businesses to conduct state business online. When fully implemented, the Website will provide businesses and individuals with one-stop Internet access for conducting transactions with state and local governments.

    Deterred Medicaid Fraud.  Texas has employed new network technology to detect and deter fraud in the states Medicaid program.  As a result, the state has recovered more that $4.2 million in inappropriately paid medical claims.

    Position Proposals

  • Fact Sheet:  Get Results From Government

Source: George W. Bush for President 2000 Web Site

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