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John Glenn 1984 TV Ad
Senate/Bio :30
January 5, 1984
John Glenn Presidential Committee
Courtesy John Glenn Archives, The Ohio State University
Narrator: You know him as an astronaut, an American hero, but how much
more do you know? Did you know that he's been in the United States Senate
for nearly ten years, a senior member of the powerful Foreign Relations
Committee. Author of key legislation on education, arms control, energy, and
crime. John Glenn, marine officer, NASA, successful businessman, Senator.
All of it experience for the job that's called the future. John Glenn for President.

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Ronald Reagan 1984 TV Ad "Future Economics"

Ronald Reagan 1984

"Future Economics"

Ronald Reagan 1984 TV Ad "Train"

Ronald Reagan 1984


Ronald Reagan 1984 TV Ad "World Leaders"

Ronald Reagan 1984

"World Leaders"

Ronald Reagan 1984 TV Ad "Future Youth"

Ronald Reagan 1984

"Future Youth"

Ronald Reagan 1984 TV Ad "Bear"

Ronald Reagan 1984


Ronald Reagan 1984 TV Ad "Future Economics"

Ronald Reagan 1984

"Future Economics"

Ronald Reagan 1984 TV Ad "Train"

Ronald Reagan 1984


John Glenn 2004 TV Ad "Senate/Bio"

John Glenn 1984


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