2008 Campaign Video2004 Campaign Video2000 Campaign Video1996 Campaign Video



Steve Forbes 1996 TV Ad
Bio/Vision :60
November 3, 1995
Steve Forbes for President

Narrator: He's been called  champion of economic growth and a visionary.
He is Steve Forbes and under his leadership - Forbes Magazine has become
the most successful business magazine in the world.  A conservative
leader, he devised the bold tax cut plan for New Jersey that is creating
new jobs and economic growth. He was appointed by Ronald Reagan to lead
Radio Free Europe, which played a crucial role in the fall of communism.
He and Sabina, his wife of 24 years are raising five daughters.
Steve Forbes: I'm Steve Forbes. America has the potential for the greatest
economic boom and spiritual renewal in it's history. But we're being held back by
Washington politics as usual. It's time we moved forward. Start with a low flat tax,
put term limits on politicians and restore control of our school to parents.
Let's return opportunity to all Americans. Do that and our best days are ahead.
Narrator: Steve Forbes for President. A true vision. An honest voice. 

Clinton Gore 1996 TV Ad "Next Century"

Clinton Gore 1996

"Next Century"

Alan Keyes 1996

"A Moral Leader"

Steve Forbes 1996 TV Ad "Bio/Vision"

Steve Forbes 1996


Lamar Alexander 1996 TV Ad "Aim-NH"

Lamar Alexander 1996


Phil Gramm 1996 TV Ad "Look Inside"

Phil Gramm 1996

"Look Inside"

Bob Dole 1996 TV Ad "The Better Man"

Bob Dole 1996

"The Better Man"

Pete Wilson 1996 TV Ad "Courage"

Pete Wilson 1996


Dick Lugar 1996 TV Ad "Dignity"

Dick Lugar 1996


Pat Buchanan 1996 TV Ad "Advisor"

Pat Buchanan 1996


Morry Taylor 1996 TV Ads "Aerials"

Morry Taylor


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