Presidential Campaign Websites

Rudy Giuliani 2008 Website - March 22, 2007

Rudy Giuliani 2008 Website - March 22, 2007  
"A Time For Leadership" Rudy Giuliani 2008 Website Welcome

When I was Mayor, there was a sign on my desk. It read, “I'm responsible.” That's the common sense accountability we need today. That's the kind of leadership we need today. That’s the kind of leadership we need in Washington and that's why I'm running for President.

Since leaving City Hall I've traveled to many states across our nation, meeting thousands of you along the way. You've shared with me your hopes and concerns about the future. And it's clear to me that what unites us as Americans is far greater than what divides us. I'm optimistic as I look to the future, because I believe that Americans will always rise to the challenge we face.

This is a time for leadership, terrorists are at war with us around the world. At home we face the generational challenges of making our country energy independent, fiscally disciplined, and building an education system to compete and win in the 21st century.

We need strong leadership that is not afraid to tackle tough problems head on. From Iraq to immigration to entitlement reform, people in Washington today can't seem to get anything done. Americans don't feel that their government is working as well as it should. If we're going to win this war and solve the serious challenges we face as a nation, the next president is going to have to break the gridlock and make decisions that move us forward, strong and united.

I believe that I can be that kind of President. I first ran for mayor of New York because I was confident that with determined leadership, New York could be a sun shining city on a hill again. We cut crime and welfare in half, cut taxes 23 times and reduced the size of the government bureaucracy, all while working with a Democratic City Council. We improved the effectiveness of government and the quality of life but most importantly we restored a sense of pride to our citizens.

When I look to the future I see a country where citizens that are confident control of their destiny. I believe that we can give the Americans fresh evidence that government can work again. I believe that we can hand our nation to the next generation better than it was handed to us.

But I can't do it alone. I need your help. This is going to be a very different type of campaign. New technology gives one person the power to make a difference on a scale we could hardly imagine 20 or 30 years ago. That's why I hope you'll be coming back to our website. Volunteer, make a financial contribution and most importantly be a leader in your community by getting your friends involved in our campaign.

Over the course of this campaign I'll use this website to talk directly to you. Your support is important and I appreciate it. Together we can renew our sense of optimism and build a better future for all Americans.

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