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Gerald Ford 1976 TV Ad
Economic Recovery :60
May 12, 1976
The President Ford Committee
Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
Narrator: The President of the United States.
Gerald Ford: While I've been your President economic recovery has replaced
recession. Over three million more Americans are working now than a year ago.
Total employment is the highest in our history. I have always believed that
to hold down the cost-of-living, we must hold down the cost of government.
That's just common sense. So I vetoed huge giveaway spending bills passed
by the Congress. This action has saved taxpayers over 13 billion dollars.
Runaway inflation has been brought under control. It has dropped from a rate
of 12 percent to less than 6 percent. Your dollars are worth more. My goal is full
recovery without inflation. Steadily, assuredly, America is working towards that goal.
Narrator: President Ford's performance has earned your support in
Tuesday's important primary.  President Ford is your President. Keep him.

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Gerald Ford 1976


Gerald Ford 1976 TV Ad "Economic Recovery"

Gerald Ford 1976

"Economic Recovery"

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Jimmy Carter 1976


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Jimmy Carter 1976


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Jimmy Carter 1976


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Jimmy Carter 1976


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Jimmy Carter 1976


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